to help you learn the science essentials and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue research and entrepreneurial projects.
Modules need to be taken sequentially, as they gradually build up the knowledge and skills.
Introductory modules give you the foundations for interdisciplinary life science research, while advanced modules allow you to conduct open ended projects in a supportive environment.
Science literacy is the artery through which the solutions of tomorrow's problems flow.
Tools for interdisciplinary science
What is interdisciplinary science? How do we bring science to everyone?
Individual project and Team project. Teams are formed randomly.
The difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.
Thermodynamics in living systems
How does temperature influence life on Earth? How do we perform experiments?
Team project. Teams are formed randomly.
Nothing in life is certain except death, taxes and the second law of thermodynamics.
Ecology and Microorganisms
How do we learn more about microorganisms? Why and when should we use hypothesis-driven and data-driven research?
Individual project. Feedback sessions done in teams based on the common subject.
If you don't like bacteria, you're on the wrong planet.
Sensing the Environment and Biomimicry
What is the difference between electronic and biological sensing? How do apply biological knowledge to improve artificial systems?
Team project. Teams are formed randomly.
Science is about knowing; engineering is about doing.
Ecology and Marine Life
How can we learn about marine life and environment with minimal perturbations? What can we do to raise awareness about environment using science?
Team project in the field. Teams are formed based on interests/motivation.
The ocean is this beautiful, unexplored place. Why on Earth everyone isn't down there, I don't know.